About Us

Greetings in Jesus' name.  We pray that all is well.  God has been good to us and we can truly say, "Having therefore obtained help of God, we continue unto this day."

 As some of you already know, we left Indianapolis, IN in July of 1989.  We came by faith, not knowing what awaited us, only trusting God to sustain us.  After a few years of struggling, we reluctantly let go of the work in Henderson, KY.  We fellowshipped with other churches until the Lord put it in my heart to establish Christian Tabernacle Church.  Later we enlarged the name to reflect the ministry of Christ and thus became known as Christian Tabernacle Church Healing And Deliverance Center.

In 2002, while holding services at the Day’s Inn, God opened a door for us to purchase the former St. James United Methodist Church. Because of the grace of God, the sacrifices of the members of Christian Tabernacle Church and the generosity of others, we were able to move into our new church on January 31, 2003.

Since arriving at our new location, Christian Tabernacle has focused on being a positive influence in our neighborhood and a spiritual force that will impact and transform the lives of the people in the community.  We are happy to report that:

  1. The local Neighborhood Association holds monthly meetings in our facility.

  2. Our parking lot was turned into a full size basketball court, providing safe and   wholesome recreation for many of our neighborhood kids.  Gorilla goals and markings were donated by people who cared.

  3. Our Christian Tabernacle Child Care provides quality childcare in a Christian atmosphere as well as employment opportunities for members of our community.

  4. Members of our community have also used our facility for meetings, weddings and funerals.

  5. Many souls have been saved and helped through our ministry and our Churches Embracing Offenders program.

  6. Future plans include a Boys Dormitory – To provide a spiritual and stable environment so our young males can have the opportunity to survive and thrive.

In His service,

Elder Wayne M. Harris, Sr.,  Pastor

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Christian Tabernacle Church
Healing and Deliverance Center

1041 Washington Ave.
Evansville, IN 47714

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